By using this site, you agree to the conditions set forth below (this “Agreement”). If you disagree with any of the conditions of this Agreement, do not use this site. We reserve the right to change this Agreement at any time, so please check for changes to this Agreement each time you use this site. Your continued use of this site following the posting of changes to this Agreement means that you accept those changes.
Famili Vistas allows you, as a Member, to create and post content into Famili Vistas sites, and enables you to control and limit access to such content by other users. In view of the nature of the Service, please select carefully the information you wish to post on Famili Vistas site and refrain from posting any illegal or unsuitable content. We will not edit or monitor user-provided content, but we reserve the right to remove any user provided content which comes to our attention and which, in our sole discretion, breaches this Agreement.
By way of illustration, and without limitation, you shall refrain from posting, transmitting, sending or otherwise making available, through or in connection with the Service, the following:
You must not:
We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to reject, refuse to post or remove any content posted by you and/or any family site, or to restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to all or any part of the Website and/or Service at any time, for any or no reason, with or without prior notice, and without any liability, financial or otherwise. We also reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to reject, refuse to post or remove any family site at any time, for any or no reason, with or without prior notice, and without any liability, financial or otherwise, if we deem that the family site is in breach of this Agreement in any way.
Once you upload post or publish content to the Website, including family trees and photos, it may become accessible to all persons accessing the Website or any websites in the Famili Vistas website, depending on permission settings in your control. Based on your permission settings, other Website users may be able to view, copy, download, store, edit, change or delete certain content that you post. You agree that other users may access your family site and may add to, subtract from or otherwise amend your family site. Information that you post will be displayed and is available for others to search, view or hear.
You may delete content that you previously posted on the Website; however, if others have downloaded or otherwise stored copies of the content, it may still be publicly viewable.
Other users may contact you through our Website regarding the content you upload. We may send you an email notification when you have a new message on our Website. You can change your email settings in the "My Account" area of the Website if you prefer not to receive such notification.
In consideration for the use of this site, you represent that (a) you have read and agree to the terms of this Agreement, and (b) that you are legally able to register (if required) to use this site. If you submit personal information to this site, you agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself (including during the registration process) and to maintain and keep current and accurate this information about yourself, should it ever change. If you provide false, inaccurate, inappropriate, or libelous information or images, we may suspend or terminate your account and use of this site. During the registration process, you will be asked to create a sign-in name and password to access certain portions of this. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your sign-in name and password. You are responsible for all activities that occur using this sign-in name and password. If someone else uses your sign-in name and password in such a way as to breach the terms of this Agreement, you remain responsible for his/her actions, and use of your sign-in name may be suspended or terminated.
In exchange for your use of this site and/or our storage of any data you submit, you hereby grant us with an unrestricted, fully paid-up, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable, sub-licensable, and perpetual license to use any and all information, content, and other materials (collectively, “Contributed Content”) that you submit or otherwise provide to this site (including, without limitation, genealogical data, images, writings, documents, materials, recordings, discussions, information, and data relating to deceased persons or anything else) for any and all purposes, in any and all manners, and in any and all forms of media that we, in our sole discretion, deem appropriate for the furtherance of our mission to promote family history and genealogical research. As part of this license, you give us permission to copy, publicly display, transmit, broadcast, perform, distribute, and otherwise use (and allow others to use) your Contributed Content throughout the world, by any means we deem appropriate (electronic or otherwise, including on the Internet). You also understand and agree that as part of this license, we have the right to create (and to allow others to create) and use derivative works from your Contributed Content by combining all or a portion of it with that of other contributors or by otherwise modifying your Contributed Content.
You are hereby granted a license to use the Service and its content solely for personal use, and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement (the "License"). The Service is not intended nor licensed for any commercial use. We reserve the right to cancel any or all of the Service at any time. Downloading any or all portions of any functionality of the Service, or any part of the public areas of the Service, is prohibited. Online or other republication of content in the public areas is prohibited. Violation of this License may result in the immediate termination of your membership and may result in legal action for injunction, damages and/or any other equitable relief. You may use the Service and any software provided by the Service only while online and may not download, copy, reuse or distribute that software, except where it is clearly stated in connection with such software that it is made available for offline use and a license for that use is provided in connection with that software.
You acknowledge that a primary purpose of this site is also to enable collaboration between users of this site and other sites who wish to expand their genealogical databases and knowledge. You acknowledge that we may utilize Contributed Content, including any personal information of living individuals that you submit for the purpose of collaborating and sharing with other individuals and organizations (including commercial genealogical organizations) in order, for example, to create a global common pedigree for the purposes of increasing participation in family history and preserving records throughout the world for Indians and of Indian origins. You acknowledge that collaboration between multiple individuals and organizations allows us to obtain additional data that we may provide to users of this site—thus allowing users to extend their own ancestral lines. Our Privacy Policy provides more details regarding use of your
You agree to input data accurately to the best of your knowledge. To maintain consistencies in traditional genealogical views available on this site (such as pedigree charts, landscape views, fan charts, and other views and charts), you agree to identify persons by their biological sex and input them in their traditional male or female positions on these charts and views (e.g., father or mother). In a same-sex marriage, both spouses will be of the same sex. You may enter any notes regarding gender identity in the comments. Please refer to the Code of Conduct section for an outline of possible consequences for the improper entry of data.
This site includes a discussion feature in which individuals can comment and otherwise provide Contributed Content regarding a particular deceased individual and provide details regarding that individual. We reserve the right to reuse the discussion information and other Contributed Content provided and to publish it to others in an effort to help resolve open issues posed or to help educate others. We ask you to be selective in the information you include in your online discussions and other Contributed Content, communicating instead through e-mail or other means where personal contact information or other personal or sensitive information is being provided. You acknowledge that any items you submit through the discussion feature will be viewable by anyone able to access this site. The discussion feature is intended to help collaboration efforts, to coordinate the correction of errors, and to facilitate additional research with other interested users. The discussion feature may not (a) be used for reasons irrelevant to the deceased individual being discussed, (b) include information that might harm or embarrass any living person, or (c) include offensive, indecent, inappropriate, threatening, or abusive language or content. Disagreements regarding facts pertaining to a deceased individual are likely to occur, and such disagreements should be set out in clear terms based on the facts and citing sources where possible, without resorting to abrupt, insulting, or unkind language or comments. The discussion feature may not be used to provide links to external websites with inappropriate content (although links to relate and tasteful information regarding deceased individuals may be appropriate) or in order to solicit business or offer research services. Although we have no obligation to do so, we reserve the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, to delete or edit Contributed Content provided in the discussion feature and similar features and to deny users access to such features for any or no reason. Please refer to the Code of Conduct section for an outline of the possible consequences for the improper use of the discussion feature and similar features.
By submitting Contributed Content to this Site, you affirm that you have the legal right to contribute such Contributed Content and that its submission and use in accordance with Terms of Use and this Agreement will not violate any third party’s privacy rights, publicity rights, contract rights, copyrights, or other proprietary rights. By affirming your legal right to submit Contributed Content, you accept legal responsibility for our (and our sub-licensees’) use of your Contributed Content.
You agree that you will not individually, or as part of any collective effort, submit or post information to this site (either at registration, as a genealogical submission, through a discussion feature, or through any other feature where any Contributed Content can be provided) that could be deemed harmful or offensive to other users. You also agree not to impersonate another user for any purpose, including to hide your identity or to implicate another for your actions. You agree not to mine, collect, or use any information from this site in a manner that could harm, discredit, harass, or prejudice any person or entity. You further agree that, unless you have received our prior written permission, you will not use any software, technology, or device to perform a bulk download, to scrape content, or to otherwise harvest any information or materials from this site. You agree not to circumvent any of the controls or usage rules we have implemented. You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, download, transmit, display, perform, make available to the public, sell, or otherwise use any portion of this site or its materials for any non-personal or commercial use. You agree not to engage in any activity with respect to this site, its content, or its users that could constitute a criminal offense or that could give rise to a civil liability. Moreover, you agree not to republish, broadcast, post, transmit, distribute, disassemble, decompile, emulate, reverse engineer, create derivative works from, or reconstruct this site, its services, source code, or content without our express prior written permission. You further agree to do nothing that might disrupt the flow of data to or from this site or impact the service or performance of this site. You understand that the result of harmful or offensive actions, or any other violation of this Agreement, may include revocation of your right to use this site (including your right to use this site, and any material therefrom) and legal action against you.
We are sensitive to the copyright and other intellectual property rights of others. Be aware that content, including photographs, stories, and personal experiences, even if submitted to a portion of this Site which is relevant to you, remains the property of the creator or submitter. You should not reproduce it without permission of the owner. Photographs of living individuals, except your own minor children, must not be posted without their consent. When creating an audio / voice recording, the personal content recorded should be your own, or if the creation of another (for example a poem or article), be used by permission of the owner.
We intend to use reasonable efforts to preserve the integrity of your Contributed Content and to avoid errors or omissions in the content of this site. However, you agree that we shall be neither responsible nor liable for errors or omissions in any content you may find on this site, nor for loss, damage, or corruption of Contributed Content that you submit or post.
For your convenience, this site may contain links to websites operated by others. Such third-party sites are not maintained or controlled by us, and we are not responsible for their content. Although we have made a good faith effort to link only to tasteful, appropriate sites, some may contain inappropriate or objectionable material. If you find such material while using a website that you accessed through a link on this site, please notify us immediately.
We believe that those who make information available on the Internet expect that it will be publicly and widely available. Therefore, we believe that linking to other sites is legally permissible and consistent with the expectations of those who use the Internet. However, if access to a particular website should be restricted, the operator of such site should promptly notify us.
By using this site and submitting your personal information to us, you consent to the processing in India of any personal data that you have shared in accordance with our Privacy Policy. You also agree to comply with all applicable laws regarding the transmission of personal data to or from India and the country in which you reside.
To protect your privacy and understand our practices as amended from time to time, please read and follow our Privacy Policy. The personal information / data provided to us by you during the course of usage of Famili Vistas will be treated as confidential and in accordance with the Privacy policy and applicable laws and regulations. If you object to your information being transferred or used, please do not use the website.
We are not liable for any special or consequential damages resulting from your use of, or your inability to use, this site or the materials in this site or any linked site, including, but not limited to, lost profits, business interruption, and loss of programs or other data on your information handling system. In no event shall our total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action exceed the amount paid by you, if any, for accessing this site or any linked site.
You acknowledge and confirm that you will not bring or participate in any class action or other class proceeding in connection with any dispute with Famili Vistas. Further neither you nor Famili Vistas agrees to class arbitration.
In the event you file a false complaint against another member on our Website /App and consequently we have suspended/deleted that members registration and other data based on your complaint, then we reserve our right to initiate appropriate legal (Civil/Criminal) action against you and claim any and all costs expenses from you, for such irresponsible/misrepresentation/illegal/unlawful action. We also reserve our right to suspend your profile and forfeit any and all amounts paid by you for the Famili Vistas services as specified under Registration Obligations clause above.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein, Famili Vistas reserves the absolute right to delete, in any manner as it deems fit, any content of any profile listing placed on Famili Vistas/website/App (once such instance come to Famili Vistas notice) in order to ensure, that proper consent has been obtained by you , prima facie accuracy and the prevailing laws in force for the time being, especially those relating to providing any obscene, libelous, blasphemous, slanderous, defamatory or invasive of another person’s (deceased or alive) right of privacy or publicity, or that may reasonably be deemed to be harmful, vulgar, pornographic, abusive, harassing, threatening, hateful, objectionable with respect to race, religion, creed, nationality, gender or otherwise unfit for reproduction; or suggests or encourages unfair or illegal /indecent, unlawful activity. Famili Vistas also reserves the right to block/ delete / suspend the membership which might be offensive, illegal or that might violate the rights, harm or threaten the safety of our office bearers/employees (including undue communication with any employee) and/or other registered prospects or using our Famili Vistas website/App as a means of communication while sending messages to other Famili Vistas members regarding their identity in other websites.
Once your paid membership expires, you cannot avail the unexpired membership balance unless you have upgraded your services before the due date of expiry.
You agree to provide us with your Permanent Account Number / Form 60/61 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and rules thereunder in the event you choose any paid package of Famili Vistas, the value of such paid package being Rs.2,00,000/- [Rupees Two Lakh Only] and above from Famili Vistas.
Additional terms and conditions applicable to Non- Resident Indian customers:
The laws of India shall be applicable.
The Parties shall discuss among themselves and resolve any disputes informally. We are interested in attempting to resolve any Disputes by amicable and informal means, and we encourage you to contact us before resorting to arbitration. If the dispute is not resolved within 30 ( thirty ) days from the date of such dispute , then such dispute may only be resolved through an individual arbitration conducted in accordance with the provisions of The Arbitration and conciliation Act, 1996, by sole arbitrator. The seat of Arbitration shall be Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. We shall appoint the sole arbitrator. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in the English language
Any proceeding to enforce this arbitration agreement may be brought in Courts of Bengaluru,Karnataka, India.
We have various membership packages. To know the complete details on various Membership package and its benefits, please visit 'Pricing' page in our website/App.
For further assistance or information, you may write us a mail at